Monday, August 9, 2010

Still a Gaming Widow

Yes, even though we have a daughter, Husband still spends an inordinate (in my opinion) number of hours playing computer games.

We have 2 consoles and a computer that is especially configured for games. Even our television was purchased because it would improve Husband's "gaming experience". Husband also works in the industry, so he spends a lot of time on the internet in relation to games.

I want to be a supportive wife, but it is harder to deal with when we have a daughter, as she needs attention. And when Husband comes home, or is home for the weekend, I try to encourage as much "daddy and daughter" time as possible, which is of course impeded by gaming.

Husband is a great father, but it is hard to balance his need to spend time with Rona and his need for down time. Hopefully one day we will get the balanace right.

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